A self-sufficient Southern Province in Livestock

In 1988, our department, which had been engaged in Animal Production and Health services under the central government, was transferred to the Southern Province Animal Production and Health Department along with its functions and responsibilities.

At present, this department operates its services with more focus on the aspects of planning, implementation and management of animal breeding activities, fodder resource development, animal disease control and treatment, extension and training activities, animal product market promotion, livestock special projects, and implementation of acts and regulations related to the livestock sector.

Liters of Last Year
Milk Production
Last Year
Egg Production

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கால்நடை உற்பத்தி சுகாதார திணைக்களம், தென் மாகாணம்
Department of Animal Production and Health, Southern Province

Provincial Director: 041 2237397
Addl. Provincial Director: 041 2238878
Subject Matter Specialist: 041 2238965
Deputy Provincial Director: 041 2221052
Accountant: 041 2223917
Administrative Officer: 041 2233801
Address: Provincial Director’s Office, Department of Animal Production and Health, Nupe, Matara.
SUB Office (Veterinary Surgeon’s Office) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.45pm | Saturday 8.30am to 12.30pm
Provincial Director Office, Deputy Director’s Office, Training Center, Farm Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.15pm